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  1. It is adapted from Dr. Andy Galpin’s podcast episode **Build Muscle Size, Strength & Power With Science-Backed Programs.
  2. Warm Ups incorporated Dr. McGill’s Big 3 for spine health. https://squatuniversity.com/2018/06/21/the-mcgill-big-3-for-core-stability/
  3. All the credits go to these fantastic people who created the training programs. </aside>

The Original Program Overview

Screenshot 2024-09-09 at 09.59.05.png

Workout Schedule

Perform workout A&B on consecutive days, rest for one day, and repeat workout A&B.

Intensity modification and progression

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If you perform 2 reps over the rep range, increase the load by 1.5%.

If you perform 2 reps under the rep range, decrease the load by 10%.



Training Log